The configurations of the defined route-policy test are as follows:
ip community-filter 1 permit 100:1
ip as-path-filter 2 permit ^100$
route-policy test permit node 10
if-match community-filter 1
if-match AS-path-filter 2
apply as-path 200
Which of the following statements is true?
A . The BGP routes will match the route-policy test only when they contain either community attribute 100:1 or as-path 100. The as-path of the matched routes is then changed to 200.
B . The BGP routes will match the route-policy test only when they contain both community attribute 100:1 and as-path 100. The as-path of the matched routes is then changed to 200.
C . The BGP routes will match the route-policy test only when they contain as-path 100. The as-path of the matched routes is then changed to 200.
D . The BGP routes will match the route-policy test as long as they contain community attribute 100:1. The as-path of the matched routes is then changed to 200.
Answer: B
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