Which of the following statements are CORRECT about the host that provides external block storage for Cinder?

Posted by: Pdfprep Category: H31-523-ENU Tags: , ,

Which of the following statements are CORRECT about the host that provides external block storage for Cinder?
A . Cinder-API provides an interface for processing block storage access requests
B . The Cinder-Volume service is responsible for dealing with storage servers, such as Swift and Ceph, to create and delete volumes
C . The Cinder-Scheduler assigns tasks to servers that provide block storage
D . Cinder modules work in message queue mode

Answer: A


Reference: https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=lSfYBgAAQBAJ&pg=PA7&lpg=PA7&dq=Cinder-API +provides+an+interface+for+processing+block+storage+access +requests&source=bl&ots=00_fQtdxkr&sig=ACfU3U3QhLOUmL8lJap5FOAqQr71SSMeSw&hl=en&sa=X& ved=2ahUKEwim96qy0N7gAhUFr6QKHXD9BjIQ6AEwA3oECAUQAQ#v=onepage&q=Cinder-API% 20provides%20an%20interface%20for%20processing%20block%20storage%20access% 20requests&f=false