Which of the following represent ways that the use of an Information System could help R to win and retain supermarket contracts in such a competitive market?

R is a manufacturer of biscuits. The market for biscuits is extremely competitive with many companies competing for contracts with large supermarkets. The intensity of the competition means that prices are kept low; and the buyers can demand higher levels of quality, and greater flexibility in supply arrangements.

Which of the following represent ways that the use of an Information System could help R to win and retain supermarket contracts in such a competitive market?
A . It could facilitate product ordering and selection by the use of Electronic Data Interchange.
B . If R’s system is integrated with that of a particular supermarket, then this will make it more expensive for the supermarket to change to a different supplier.
C . It would mean that R’s products would be more prominently displayed on the supermarket shelves.
D . It could be used to facilitate more timely and accurate delivery which would minimising waste.
E . If R’s system is integrated to that of a particular supermarket then other supplier’s systems cannot also be integrated to that supermarket system.

Answer: A,B,D