Which of the following changes should be implemented?

Posted by: Pdfprep Category: SY0-501 Tags: , ,

An organization wants to control user accounts and privileged access to database servers. The organization wants to create an audit trail of account requests and approvals, Out also wants to facilitate operational efficiency when account and access changes are needed.

The organization has the following account management practices.

– Access requests are processed through a service ticket that requires server and system owner approval.

– Once approved, user access is granted directly to the user’s privileged account

– The requests and approvals are sent to the security officer where they are retained for future audits.

– Account activity and user activity are monitored and audited monthly by the business unit.

Which of the following changes should be implemented?
A . The user should be added to an existing group that already has the necessary access
B . Access requests should only be initiated by the system owner with subsequent approval by the server owner.
C . Requests and approvals should be sent to the system owner for retention
D . Account activity should be monitored dally with any violations reported to the system owner immediately.

Answer: D