Assume that you have the following situation:
The app code calls for R.string.text_a Three relevant resource files are available:
-res/values/strings.xml, which includes text_a in the app’s default language, in this case English.
-res/values-mcc404/strings.xml, which includes text_a in the app’s default language, in this case English.
-res/values-hi/strings.xml, which includes text_a in Hindi.
The app is running on a device that has the following configuration:
-The SIM card is connected to a mobile network in India (MCC 404).
-The language is set to Hindi (hi).
Which is the correct statement below?
A . Android loads text_a from res/values/strings.xml (in English)
B . Android loads text_a from res/values-mcc404/strings.xml (in English)
C . Android loads text_a from res/values-hi/strings.xml (in Hindi)
Answer: B
Android loads text_a from res/values-mcc404/strings.xml (in English), even if the device is configured for Hindi. That is because in the resource-selection process, Android prefers an MCC match over a language match (as a priority Exception).