Which is the best way for a project manager to ensure efficient and frequent communication with management and stakeholders in an agile/adaptive environment?

Posted by: Pdfprep Category: CAPM Tags: , ,

Which is the best way for a project manager to ensure efficient and frequent communication with management and stakeholders in an agile/adaptive environment?
A . Post project artifacts in a transparent fashion and engage stakeholders on a regular basis.
B . Make surveys among the stakeholders and meet with the team once a month.
C . Create a social network and post news there.
D . Create personalized emails for each stakeholder, asking for requests and reviewing objectives with them periodically.

Answer: A

Explanation Open, frequent, and informal communication is the cornerstone of agile managed projects. The best form of communication is face to face conversations. Agile teams working in a collocated space that supports communication is ideal. Planning communications management that hinders or places boundaries on those conversations is counterproductive. A project manager needs to encourage more communication, not less. A project manager also needs to support the capturing and flow of communication between stakeholders. Scheduling more communication checkpoints, such as daily standup meetings, increases the communication exchanges. And, when possible, posting and distributing information to the team aids communication flow – whether in physical locations, digitized, or both. Withholding conversations or enforcing extended quiet times is the antithesis of good communication flow.