Which four services does the architecture for Media Services contain? (Choose four.)

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Which four services does the architecture for Media Services contain? (Choose four.)
A . access services
B . transport services
C . storage services
D . forwarding services
E . session control services
F . security services
G . filtering services
H . remote access services

Answer: ABCE


An architecture framework for media services supports different models of video models. As shown in Figure 14-13, the network provides service to video media in the Media Services Framework. Those services are access services, transport services, bridging services, storage servers, and session control services, which arc provided to endpoints.

■ Access services provide identity of end devices, mobility, and location services.

■ Transport services provide QoS for reliable packet delivery.

■ Bridging services provide transcoding, conferencing, and recording services of media streams.

■ Storage services provide capture and storage of media streams and content management and distribution.

■ Session control services provide session signaling and control and gateway services.