By performing a penetration test, you gained access under a user account. During the test, you established a connection with your own machine via the SMB service and occasionally entered your login and password in plaintext.
Which file do you have to clean to clear the password?
A . .X session-log
B . .bashrc
C . .profile
D . .bash_history
Answer: A
If you would like to seek out more information a few problem during a session or want to repair it, consult the system log, which stores log data for your user session and applications. The ~/.xsession-errors X session log file has been deprecated and is not any longer used. On systemd-based systems, you’ll find the session log data within the systemd journal, which stores the info during a binary format. to look at the logs, use the journalctl command. To view your user session logs:1. Determine your user ID (uid) by running the subsequent command:2. $ id Cuser10003. View the journal logs for the user ID determined above:$ journalctl _UID=1000For more information on the systemd journal, see the journalctl(1) man page.