Which command must the developer use before deploying the message flow?

Posted by: Pdfprep Category: C9530-001 Tags: , ,

A developer creates a message flow that uses a DecisionService Node.

Which command must the developer use before deploying the message flow?
A . mqsicvp
B . mqsimode
C . mqsichangebroker
D . mqsichangeproperties

Answer: B


Before you deploy message flows that contain a DecisionService node, you must enable the mode extension by using the mqsimode command: mqsimode -x DecisionServices

Incorrect Answers:

A: The mqsicvp command is run automatically when you start a broker by using the mqsistart command. The command checks that the broker environment is set up correctly. This checking has been enhanced to verify that the ODBC environment is configured correctly on Linux and UNIX systems.

References: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSMKHH_10.0.0/com.ibm.etools.mft.doc/ bc23793_.htm