Which Cisco APIC health score will be affected if an EPG does not have a Bridge Domain associated with it?

Posted by: Pdfprep Category: 300-170 Tags: , ,

Which Cisco APIC health score will be affected if an EPG does not have a Bridge Domain associated with it?
A . spine health
B . leaf health
C . tenant health
D . pod health

Answer: C


Reference: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:tyLTBhXrq3AJ:www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ switches/datacenter/aci/apic/sw/1-x/Operating_ACI/guide/b_Cisco_Operating_ACI/ b_Cisco_Operating_ACI_chapter_01010.pdf+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=in&client=firefox-b-ab