Which aspect of requirement specification and modeling was the BA performing?

Posted by: Pdfprep Category: CCBA Tags: , ,

A business analyst (BA) was asked to send the requirement details to the project manager (PM), director, vice president (VP), and Chief Information Officer (CIO). The BA shares the complete set of requirements to the PM and director, while creating a summarized version for the VP and CIO.

Which aspect of requirement specification and modeling was the BA performing?
A . Perform stakeholder analysis
B . Organize requirements categories
C . Determine approval authority
D . Implement appropriate level of abstraction

Answer: D


Level of abstraction describes the breadth and depth of the information being provided. Representations of information may range from highly conceptual or summarized to very detailed. In determining how much detail each stakeholder may require as the initiative evolves, consideration is given to the needs of the stakeholders, the complexity of what is being explained, and the importance of the change. Rather than present the same information to all stakeholders, business analysts should present information with appropriate breadth and level of detail based on each stakeholder’s role. Business analysis information regarding a topic of significant importance or high level of risk is frequently represented in greater detail.