Which are two characteristics of Bidirectional PIM in this situation are true?

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An engineer set up a multicast network design using all three Cisco supported PIM modes.

Which are two characteristics of Bidirectional PIM in this situation are true?
A . In Bidirectional PIM, the RP IP address does not need to be a router.
B . Bidirectional PIM is deigned to be used for one-to-many applications.
C . In Bidirectional PIM, the RP IP address can be shared with any other router interface.
D . A Cisco router cannot support all three PIM modes simultaneously.
E . Membership to be bidirectional group is signaled via explicit join messages.

Answer: AE


https://www.cisco.com /c/en/us/td/docs/ios/12_0s/feature/guide/fsbidir.html

A router can simultaneously support all three modes or any combination of them for different multicast groups. In bidirectional mode, traffic is routed only along a bidirectional shared tree that is rooted at the rendezvous point (RP) for the group. In bidir-PIM, the IP address of the RP acts as the key to having all routers establish a loop-free spanning tree topology rooted in that IP address. This IP address need not be a router, but can be any unassigned IP address on a network that is reachable throughout the PIM domain. Using this technique is the preferred configuration for establishing a redundant RP configuration for bidir-PIM.

Membership to a bidirectional group is signaled via explicit join messages. Traffic from sources is unconditionally sent up the shared tree toward the RP and passed down the tree toward the receivers on each branch of the tree.

Bidir-PIM is designed to be used for many-to-many applications within individual PIM domains.

Multicast groups in bidirectional mode can scale to an arbitrary number of sources without incurring overhead due to the number of sources.