What is the purpose of the last command entered?

Posted by: Pdfprep Category: 100-105 Tags: , ,

The following commands are entered on the router:

Burbank(config)# enable secret fortress

Burbank(config)# line con 0

Burbank(config-line)# login

Burbank(config-line)# password n0way1n

Burbank(config-line)# exit

Burbank(config)# service password-encryption

What is the purpose of the last command entered?
A . to require the user to enter an encrypted password during the login process
B . to prevent the vty, console, and enable passwords from being displayed in plain text in the configuration files
C . to encrypt the enable secret password
D . to provide login encryption services between hosts attached to the router

Answer: B


Certain types of passwords, such as Line passwords, by default appear in clear text in the configuration file. You can use the service password-encryption command to make them more secure. Once this command is entered, each password configured is automatically encrypted and thus rendered illegible inside the configuration file (much as the Enable/Enable Secret passwords are). Securing Line passwords is doubly important in networks on which TFTP servers are used, because TFTP backup entails routinely moving config files across networks–and config files, of course, contain Line passwords.