What effect does the -f option to the update-rc.d command have on files in the /etc/rcX.d/ and /etc/init.d/ directories?

Posted by: Pdfprep Category: 201-450 Tags: , ,

What effect does the -f option to the update-rc.d command have on files in the /etc/rcX.d/ and /etc/init.d/ directories?
A . It will force the removal of the symlinks in /etc/rc
B . d/ even when the links are read only
C . It will remove both the symlinks in /etc/rc
D . d/ and the init script in /etc/init.d/
E . It will remove the init script in /etc/init.d/ and the symlinks in /etc/rc
F . d/ and update the package information of installed files
G . It will force the removal of symlinks in /etc/rc
H . d/ even if the corresponding init script still exists in /etc/init.d/

Answer: D

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