
What can be identified by running the show install all impact kickstart bootflash: n5000-uk9­kickstart.7.0.7.N.1.1.bin system bootflash: n5000-uk9.7.0.7.N1.1a.bin command?

What can be identified by running the show install all impact kickstart bootflash: n5000-uk9­kickstart.7.0.7.N.1.1.bin system bootflash: n5000-uk9.7.0.7.N1.1a.bin command?
A . whether the specified kickstart image is compatible with the start-up config
B . whether the specified system image supports the kickstart image
C . whether bootflash is supported for the specified Cisco NX-OS images
D . whether ISSU is supported for the specified Cisco NX-OS images

Answer: D

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