What can an impedance mismatch in the RF cables and connectors cause?

Posted by: Pdfprep Category: CWNA-107 Tags: , ,

What can an impedance mismatch in the RF cables and connectors cause?
A . Fewer MCS values in the MCS table
B . Excessive VSWR
C . Increased amplitude of the RF signal
D . Increased range of the RF signal

Answer: B


Reference https://books.google.com.pk/books? id=uA68E68OqQgC&pg=PA235&lpg=PA235&dq=impedance+mismatch+in+the+RF+cables+and +connectors+cause&source=bl&ots=WEynkTBqO1&sig=-Hm_d26REw_UrVZtz20xErL­4Rg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj5rvW0j57ZAhVMzqQKHeCGB0kQ6AEISDAF#v=onepage&q=impedan ce%20mismatch%20in%20the%20RF%20cables%20and%20connectors%20cause&f=false