The predominant purpose of the first Apgar scoring of a newborn is to:

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The predominant purpose of the first Apgar scoring of a newborn is to:
A . Determine gross abnormal motor function
B . Obtain a baseline for comparison with the infant’s future adaptation to the environment
C . Evaluate the infant’s vital functions
D . Determine the extent of congenital malformations

Answer: C


(A) Apgar scores are not related to the infant’s care, but to the infant’s physical condition.

(B) Apgar scores assess the current physical condition of the infant and are not related to future environmental adaptation.

(C) The purpose of the Apgar system is to evaluate the physical condition of the newborn at birth and to determine if there is an immediate need for resuscitation.

(D) Congenital malformations are not one of the areas assessed with Apgar scores.