Select all marketing strategies that you would suggest for the smartwatch launch. Choose ALL answers that apply.

Posted by: Pdfprep Category: 410-101 Tags: , ,

Select all marketing strategies that you would suggest for the smartwatch launch. Choose ALL answers that apply.
A . Use conversion ads to the checkout page for new audiences.
B . Use attention-grabbing video ads on Instagram to new audiences.
C . Create colorful, high-energy outdoor lifestyle footage of videos to perform in News Feed without sound, and highlight the visual appeal and functionality of the smartwatch.
D . Retarget series of Facebook ads to custom audiences who have viewed the videos for conversions.
E . Create app install campaigns for people who have visited the website.
F . Create app install campaigns for people who have finalized a purchase for the following 15 days.

Answer: B,C,D,F


The client has three specific objectives:

✑ Build brand and product awareness to new audiences.

✑ Spur online sales of new watch.

✑ Get people who’ve bought the smartwatch to download and use their new mobile app.

In order to achieve these objectives, you should prioritize the following strategies for the product launch:

✑ Use videos on Facebook Feed to increase awareness, and use re-marketing strategies to people who have viewed a specific % of the videos (Objective #1 and #2).

✑ Use attention-grabbing video ads on Instagram to new audiences, this will allow you to re-market campaigns to website on people who have seen more than a specific % of a video (Objective #1 and #2).

✑ Create app install campaigns so that people will download their mobile app (Objective #3).