
Latest SAP Certified Development Associate C_C4H620_03 Training Questions

Passing SAP Certified Development Associate C_C4H620_03 exam is easy now. Latest SAP Certified Development Associate C_C4H620_03 training questions are valid for you to pass this SAP certification C_C4H620_03 test. SAP C_C4H620_03 exam validates that the candidate possesses the fundamental and core knowledge required of the development consultant profile.  Share some free SAP C_C4H620_03 training questions below.

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1. Which of the improvements ensure the customer experience is as relevant as desired?

2. Which of the library based on Google Maps that facilitates implementation of any map behavior and component in your app?

3. Which of the information can be replicated when the respective consent template is available in both SAP Commerce and SAP Customer Data Cloud systems?

4. You are implementing SAP Customer Consent, but without SAP Customer Identity.

You are executing the below API request and have passed all the necessary authorization credentials, but you are receiving a missing required parameter error. https://accounts.eu1.gigya.com/accounts.notifyLogin

What is the most likely reason for the error message?

5. How would you define a field as required for a child API key? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

6. You need to get a server-side access_token from the getToken endpoint to perform operations on behalf of any user .

What grant_type parameter must you use?

7. What is a model for fine-grained authorization where the access is defined according to the attributes of the user, the attributes of the resource and the attributes of the environment?

8. Which of the extension provides the data model changes, DAOs, and services to provide integration with SAP Customer Data Cloud?

9. What is assigned to organization members?

10. What happen when a hypertext link points to a page on a web site other than its home page that involves some navigation into the structure of the web site?

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11. Who can ask for deletion of their personal data or can close their accounts from the storefront?

12. Which of the application whose access rights are handled by policies?

13. Who make it ensure that whenever users are deleted in SAP Commerce using the cleanup job, their account is deleted from SAP Customer Data Cloud as well?

14. Which type of pages requires capturing data while consumers browse the site?

15. Which of the solution with a governance process to secure applications and resources and help prevent data leaks and unauthorized access across the entire digital ecosystem?

16. Which type of events are an important part of customer interactions?

17. Which of the tool allows you to copy configurations and settings from one site to another from within the Gigya Console?

18. Which type of services foundation tracks only the type of information for which the consumer or the tenant grants consent?

19. Which of the SDK allows you to quickly develop mobile solutions for your customers by leveraging the use of tools and libraries developed specifically for Android?

20. Which of the library used for barcode scanning that includes a default implementation based on ZXing?

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21. You are using SAP Commerce Cloud and you would like to use the GConnector .

What are the benefits of this approach? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.

22. Do we support nested organizations?

23. What is achieved using the SAP Cloud Platform Identity Provisioning service that allows the provisioning of centrally managed identities and their access across the enterprise?

24. Which of the dataflow are dedicated components?

25. Can we add additional attributes on the org. <-> org. member relationship?

26. What are imposed on the amount and frequency of data flows each partner can run?

27. Which of the settings are initially done in SAP Customer Data Cloud, and can be updated later from SAP Commerce storefront?

28. What is a user-centered application designed as part of a new generation of business tools?

29. Who can update his profile either from the SAP Commerce store front, or an agent can update it from the Backoffice?

(Choose the correct option)

30. What is a ready-to-use web implementation template that enables you to jumpstart your implementation and easily build and maintain a feature-rich omni-channel commerce solution?

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31. Which of the reset is an automated process that seamlessly rolls over OAuth client credentials provisioned to SAP Cloud Platform Extension Factory when registering APIs?

32. What can be easily customized to achieve business-specific use cases for deep-linking or triggering custom flows in the application based on the bookmark data?

33. How many components are there in SDK comprises?

34. What is params?

35. Who does provide standard support for #open (PK) bookmark that allows opening an instance of Editor Area in a popup to display the entity denoted by the passed PK?

36. What are also looking to centralize and simplify access to products and services?

37. Which of the component is created, using this component SAP customer data cloud screen sets are rendered on the storefront?

38. Which of the components perform actions on a data platform C either extracting data from it or uploading data to it?

39. Which of the factory integration allows you to customize and enhance SAP Commerce features?

40. You would like to secure the communication of the Webhooks notifications .

Which of the following statements is valid?

Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.

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41. Why deep linking is dependent on the single sign-on (SSO) configuration, which is typically done by Professional Services upon implementation in single sign-on and deep linking?

42. Which of the two sites should belong to the same data center?

43. What method of the iOS SDK would you use to display a plugin modally?

44. By which, we find out what were the bottlenecks of a job that took a long time to run, review performance issues, and monitor the number of records that completed the flow?

45. Which of the coverage illustrates statistics about the product count in each data quality range?

46. Which e-mail templates can you manage within the Console? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.

47. Which of the accelerator provides you with an accelerated path to the deployment of SAP Commerce in a public-sector organization such as a government department, local council, municipal authority,

or welfare agency?

48. Who can integrate sap commerce with sap cloud platform extension factory by establishing trust between the two system in Backoffice?



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