You are a functional consultant for Contoso Entertainment System USA (USMF).
You need to create a new calendar named Work Week that will be defined as follows:
✑ Open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00
✑ Closed all day Saturday and Sunday
To complete this task, sign in to the Dynamics 365 portal.
Answer: You need to create a working time template and a working time calendar.
Create the template:
✑ Click Organization administration > Common > Calendars > Working time templates. Click New to create a new line.
✑ On the Overview tab, in the Working time template field, enter an alphanumeric identifier of up to 10 characters.
✑ In the Name field, enter a descriptive name for the template.
✑ Select the tab that corresponds to the day of the week that you want to define working hours for, and click Add to create a new line.
✑ In the From field, enter the starting time for the day or the period (09:00).
✑ In the To field, enter the ending time for the day or the period (17:00)
✑ Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each day of the week ensuring that Saturday and Sunday are marked as closed then save the template.
Create the calendar:
✑ Click Organization administration > Common > Calendars > Calendars.
✑ On the toolbar, click New to create a new line.
✑ In the Calendar field, enter a unique identifier of up to ten characters.
✑ In the Name field, enter Work Week.
✑ Click Working times, and then click Compose working times to create or update working times for the calendar.
✑ In the Calendar field, select the name of the calendar (Work Week) to compose working times for.
✑ In the From date field, enter the first date to compose working times for. By default, the field contains the current date.
✑ In the To date field, enter the last date to compose working times for. By default, the field contains a date that is one year from the current date.
✑ In the Working time template field, select the template you created.
✑ Click OK.