Passing 352-001 exam is a first step for you to get the CCDE certification. With studying all of Cisco Certified Design Expert Qualification Exam 352-001 exam prep questions dumps, you can test your skills to check if you have a good understanding of the exam topics or not. All the Cisco 352-001 exam prep questions are collected from the real test by our certified experts, who update the 352-001 questions frequently according to the changes at the testing center.
Senior management wants you to evaluate the risks to your network of offering VPWS, VPLS, GRE, or other tunneling services to your fiber-connected client base. Clients indicate that they prefer to use Layer 2 switches as CEs. Which two tunneling services expose your network to minimal risk and meet the clients’ needs, including separation between providers and customer networks? (Choose two.)
Senior management wants you to evaluate the risks to your network of offering VPWS, VPLS, GRE, or other tunneling services to your fiber-connected client base. Clients indicate that they prefer to use Layer 2...