Actual ServiceNow CIS-PPM Exam Questions

ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist-Project Portfolio Management CIS-PPM exam questions are available, which are valuable for you to pass the test on the first attempt. ServiceNow CIS-PPM exam is available to ServiceNow customers, partners, employees, and others interested in becoming a ServiceNow PPM Certified Implementation Specialist. We provide the actual ServiceNow CIS-PPM exam questions, which can guarantee you pass the test easily. Share some free ServiceNow certification CIS-PPM exam questions and answers below.

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1. At a minimum, which role is required to view the summary of a project in the Details tab of Project Workspace?

2. What is the demand workbench used for? (Choose two.)

3. What applications are shared across teamspaces?

4. A project expense line is a cost associated with a specific source. Examples of specific sources could include: (Choose three.)

5. Which roles can modify agile properties? (Choose two.)

6. In the base system, what is the default number of cards that can be displayed in the project workspace?

7. Demand managers can enhance a demand request by adding the following: (Choose three.)

8. This should be updated by an it_pps_admin, so that the stakeholder list will automatically populate when a user creates a demand or project.

9. What happens to the expense line after it is processed?

10. A pps_admin role can configure the parameters that are displayed on a project card. The parameters displayed on a project card are derived from the records in what table?