Ramesh aged 50 could not save for his retirement till date but now decides to save Rs. 50000 per month till his retirement age of 65. He anticipates that the return in the first 5 years would be 13% p.a. next 5 years 10% and in the last 5 years 8% p.a. He wants to accumulate a corpus of Rs. 1.50 Crores till his retirement. Calculate the surplus or shortfall he would have on his retirement.

Posted by: Pdfprep Category: GLO_CWM_LVL_1 Tags: , ,

Ramesh aged 50 could not save for his retirement till date but now decides to save Rs. 50000 per month till his retirement age of 65. He anticipates that the return in the first 5 years would be 13% p.a. next 5 years 10% and in the last 5 years 8% p.a. He wants to accumulate a corpus of Rs. 1.50 Crores till his retirement. Calculate the surplus or shortfall he would have on his retirement.
A . Surplus 40 Lacs
B . Shortfall 40 Lacs
C . Surplus 29 Lacs
D . Shortfall 15 Lacs

Answer: A