How would the URI in the INVITE message sent to Media Server look like?

Posted by: Pdfprep Category: GE0-807 Tags: , ,

We want to use a treatment ‘PlayAnnouncement’ from routing strategy to play following file:

C:ProgramFilesMediaserverAnnouncementl_mulaw, wav,

How would the URI in the INVITE message sent to Media Server look like?
A . sip:annc@MedlaServer:port;play=ftle://announcement/l;repeat=l
B . sip:annc@MediaSen/er:port;plav=c:ProgramFilesMediaServerannouncementl;repeat=l
C . sip:annc@MediaServer:porc;play=announcement/’i_mulaw.vvav;repeat=l
D . sip:annc@MediaServer:port;play=l;repeat=l
E . sip:annc@MediaServer:port;play=l_mulaw.wav;repf^t

Answer: A