Which result of running the command is true?

Posted by: Pdfprep Category: 300-165 Tags: , ,

Refer to the exhibit.

You are implementing a rollback of the configuration to a checkpoint.

Which result of running the command is true?
A . It creates a rollback but skips any errors.
B . It stops a rollback if an error occurs.
C . It creates a rollback only if no errors occur.
D . It creates a rollback in a stable state.

Answer: A


Reference: https://books.google.com/books?id=oGdaDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT115&lpg=PT115&dq=It+creates +a+rollback+but+skips+any+errors&source=bl&ots=jq9abuMvu3&sig=ACfU3U2nUiUnEeGTiQ2zZqFuMqPZhyZR9g&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwir2KbGlPXfAhWI2YMKHaYVBK0Q6AEwAHoECAsQAQ#v=onepage&q=It%20creates%20a% 20rollback%20but%20skips%20any%20errors&f=false