While processing messages in a message flow, Java exceptions are encountered.
Where should more details on these Java exceptions be found?
A . syslogs
B . Trace Node output
C . Integration Node stderr and stdout
D . Integration Server stderr and stdout
Answer: A
When a node in a message flow throws an exception this is assigned a BIP number. As the exception is propagated up the flow, possibly being processed by various exception handling routines attached to the
catch terminal of nodes it may be "wrapped" in several outer exceptions. This forms a "stack" of exceptions known as an ExceptionList.
If an exception reaches an input node without being handled by any branch of the flow then the input transaction is rolled back and each message in the ExceptionList is output to the syslog.
References: https://developer.ibm.com/integration/docs/ibm-integration-bus/troubleshooting/diagnostictools/